- Quick answers to Muslim questions
The Quran affirms the Bible
"Where did Jesus say 'I am God, worship me'?"
The first and the last in Islam
- The Bible has been corrupted
Rebecca was NOT 3 years old when Isaac married her
All religions are bad!
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Were ancient Jews illiterate?
Is God lying in these scriptures?
The Epicurean problem of evil
Did the Bible get the value of Pi wrong?
The word 'Trinity' is not in the Bible
How many women came to the tomb?
Evidence of early dating - Bartimaeus
Does Numbers 5:11-31 support abortion?
Does Exodus 21:22-25 support abortion?
Do the gospels disagree on who was Jesus father?
Do the gospels disagree on where Jesus was born?
Do the gospels disagree on how Judas Iscariot died?
- Do the gospel writers disagree on who was ruling when Jesus was born?
- Do the gospel accounts not tell us how Jesus parents treated him?
- Is faith believing something without evidence?
Are there two sets of Ten Commandments?
Evidence for an early gospel - Simon of Cyrene
John 17:3 - the only true God
The Trinity Doctrine in the Bible
- John 14:28 - The Father is greater than I am
List of scriptures proving the Deity of Christ
Jesus is The First and the Last
What is love?
Jehovah's Witnesses Creed
Arian proof texts: Revelation 3:14 - Jesus is the beginning
- Jesus is Jehovah - Attributes and titles
Is God lying in these scriptures?
How many women came to the tomb?
Do the gospels disagree on who was Jesus father?
Do the gospels disagree on where Jesus was born?
Do the gospels disagree on how Judas Iscariot died?
- Do the gospel writers disagree on who was ruling when Jesus was born?
- Do the gospel accounts not tell us how Jesus parents treated him?
Are there two sets of Ten Commandments?
Can God create a rock so big he can't lift it?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
The Gospels are Greco-Roman historical biographies
Is God lying in these scriptures?
The Epicurean problem of evil
Did the Bible get the value of Pi wrong?
The word 'Trinity' is not in the Bible
Does Numbers 5:11-31 support abortion?
- Is faith believing something without evidence?
Are there two sets of Ten Commandments?
Deity of Christ
"Where did Jesus say 'I am God, worship me'?"
The first and the last in Islam
What did Pliny the younger say about Christ?
The Trinity Doctrine in the Bible
What did Ignatius say about Jesus?
Who is the cloud rider?
- John 14:28 - The Father is greater than I am
List of scriptures proving the Deity of Christ
Jesus is The First and the Last
What is love?
Arian proof texts: Revelation 3:14 - Jesus is the beginning
- Jesus is Jehovah - Attributes and titles
- Sin and virtue in Islam
- The time Muhammad stole his son's wife
- Quick answers to Muslim questions
Reading the Quran, Surah 2 Al-Baqara
The Quran affirms the Bible
"Where did Jesus say 'I am God, worship me'?"
The first and the last in Islam
- The Bible has been corrupted
Rebecca was NOT 3 years old when Isaac married her
What does the Quran and Hadiths say about...?
John 17:3 - the only true God
- John 14:28 - The Father is greater than I am
- 50.000 mosques of 75.000 empty in Iran
Jehovah's witnesses
Who is the cloud rider?
- John 14:28 - The Father is greater than I am
What does the Watchtower teach about...
What blood components are Jehovah's witnesses allowed to accept?
List of scriptures proving the Deity of Christ
Jesus is The First and the Last
The Watchtower proves Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BC
God is a fire - An example of eisegesis
What is love?
The word 'Trinity' is not in the Bible
The Kingdom is not a pearl
Jehovah's Witnesses Creed
Arian proof texts: Revelation 3:14 - Jesus is the beginning
Are you one of the anointed?
- Jesus is Jehovah - Attributes and titles
Changes in the New World Translation
- Poll: only 40% of Iranians consider themselves muslim
- Study: Religious and spiritual factors in depression: review and integration of the research
- Study: Religion, Self-Regulation, and Self-Control: Associations, Explanations, and Implications
- Study: Religion, spirituality, and physical health in cancer patients: A meta-analysis
- Study: Religion and Completed Suicide
- Study: Does Religion Suppress, Socialize, Soothe, or Support? Exploring Religiosity's Influence on Crime
- Study: Does religion promote pro-environmental behaviour? A cross-country investigation
- Study: The Effects of Catholic and Prostestant Schools