Thyreon     The Shield of Faith        


I grew up as one of Jehovah’s witnesses, being raised to unquestioningly accept their teachings as the Truth.

As an adult, looking into their teaching and history, I saw that little of it made any sense at all and most of it was unscriptural human traditions.

It is abusive, sometimes physically, but mostly mentally and especially spiritually.

Physically: Unenlightened attitudes and policies have made it a haven for child abuse. People die because of the unscriptural no-blood policy.

Mentally: Unscriptural teachings means they place heavy, stressful burdens on people to perform at a level that people should not be required, or else potentially lose their salvation.

Spiritually: Some of their most serious doctrines are ones that actually endanger the eternal salvation of their members, such as trusting in their organization for salvation rather than in Jesus, to not partake of Jesus flesh and blood, and that they are not anointed. These are spiritually abusive because it denies people their God-given inheritance from God and even threatens their eternal salvation.

After some time of kicking against the goads, Jesus led me to him, and on November 20, 2019, I accepted him as my only Lord and Savior. Since then I have been led by him, not any human institution. He have taught me more things each month than the Watchtower have taught me in my entire life. He opened up the Bible to be understood, and I don’t need any literature to explain what it means.

Right now his mission for me is to defend Christian orthodoxy from heretical groups, especially the Jehovah’s witnesses, and to do my outmost to help them see that they can not trust in a human institution for salvation but must turn to Jesus as Lord and Savior, for he is the only one who is the way, the truth and the life.

My pen-name Nicodemus is borrowed from another elder of the people of God who became a disciple of Jesus.