Thyreon     The Shield of Faith        

What did Ignatius say about Jesus?

There is a common claim that the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus/the Trinity was a late idea that developed with time, and that it wasn't until several hundred years later that Christians started to worship Jesus as God. What did the earliest Christian writers like Ignatius say about this?

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What is the unforgivable sin?

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, also known as the unforgivable or unpardonable sin, is a topic that it seems a lot of people are concerned about. If you’re asking this question I can put your mind at ease, if you are still alive you haven’t committed the unforgivable sin. Yet.

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Who is the cloud rider?

Examining the many titles and epithets of God can teach us more about him. Among his many titles and descriptions, a very interesting one is that Jehovah is “the one who comes on the clouds”. Let’s examine where it comes from and what it means.

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Can God create a rock so big he can't lift it?

This classic gotcha question from pop atheists is a faulty dilemma that combines false definitions with bad logic. The argument goes as follows:

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All religions are bad!

A common trope amongst atheists and antitheists. It is an example of the faulty generalization fallacy along with the association fallacy.

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