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What does the Watchtower teach about...

This is a long list of references to Watchtower publications for easy access to what the Watchtower teaches about different issues.


What does the Watchtower teach about God?

The name of God, is it Jehovah or Yahweh?

God’s omnipresence


What does the Watchtower teach about Jesus, his nature and his role?

What is the nature of the salvation though Jesus?

Does Jesus tell lies?

What happened to Jesus body?

Why could Jesus not have been bodily resurrected?

“Jesus could not take a human body through the Van Allen radiation belts and outer space to heaven…”

Should we worship Jesus?

Who is Jesus mediator for?


Works righteousness

Are we saved by faith alone or do we have to work to earn our salvation and righteousness?

The Bible

Bible translation

The evil scribe conspiracy theory

The Watchtower claims emphatically that the Bible has not been corrupted or changed. They also admit that not a single new testament manuscript contains the name Jehovah. But since that’s unacceptable to them, they claim that during the second and third century some conspiracy of evil scribes traveled throughout the ancient world, located every last one of the tens of thousands of available manuscripts, and somehow sneakily replaced the manuscripts with exact copies with the name Jehovah replaced by “Lord”, all without anyone ever noticing. Yet they still claim no one has ever been able to change or corrupt the Bible.

Johannes Greber

Johannes Greber was a catholic priest who turned into a spiritist. He translated the new testament with the use of demons who would speak through his wife who was a spiritistic medium. Also the demons would sometimes give Johannes Greber visions of what he should write. The Watchtower then used his demon inspired new testament as support for translation choices in the New World Translation.

The Organization

The “Organization”, usually indicate the Watchtower corporation along with all its subsidiaries, all congregations of Jehovahs witnesses, and often including the “heavenly part of the organization”, the angels.

The Organization itself

Salvation through organization

The Watchtower strongly claims that salvation is only possible through their organization. Not a Bible teaching.

Being the only Channel of God

The Watchtower claims to be the only “channel” of communication from God. “Channel” in spiritual terms is an spiritistic agent that communicates with the spirit world on behalf of a client. Not a Bible teaching.

This is also what Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson says under oath when asked about this:

The Watchtower being a Prophet

The prophethood of the Watchtower organization is unclear. At times they claim prophethood, at other times they deny it, depending on what is convenient at the time. In any case, anyone who claims to speak directly for God is a prophet no matter what they call themselves. And a prophet who speaks a word that is not from God should be executed. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

The Faithful Slave/Governing Body

The Watchtower teaches that only a small group of men speaks for God and should be trusted implicitly. They call themselves the Governing Body, or the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

Is the Governing Body inerrant or not?

The Bible says that someone speaking for God, a prophet, must be inerrant3, and if they’re not inerrant, they don’t speak for God and we shouldn’t listen to them. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22) Their claims on the matter are contradictory:

The Faithful Slave

Who really is the Faithful and discreet slave?

The Anointed

The Watchtower teaches that “anointed” Christians are limited in number to a total of 144.000. Not a Bible teaching. The Bible teaches that all Christians are anointed. The word Christian itself means anointed.

The call of anointed ended in 1935

Isn’t it funny that none of the Governing Body was born on or before 1935? Gerrit Lösch, the oldest member, was born in 1941. How can they be anointed?

A steady decline in the number of anointed signals the end is near.

But lately the numbers have increased drastically…

When faced with the fact that memorial partakers have started to increase, will thy still say that dwindling numbers mean the end is near? No, they are just going to slander these people by saying they are mentally insane.

How many anointed Christians have there ever been?

The Watchtower articles reveal that there have been millions upon millions of anointed Christians throughout history. In the ten persecutions between A.D. 49-313 alone, hundreds of thousands of anointed Christians were killed . The number killed were naturally just a fraction of the total number of anointed Christians who have ever lived. To claim that the total number of anointed Christians has been less than 144.000 is beyond absurd.

Other information about the anointed

Various Teachings

In alphabetical order.

Animal diet




Child discipline


Last days



The Watchtower uses shunning as a punishment for those who do not conform to their rules and doctrines. But at the same time they condemn it


Superior authorities

Failed predictions



Scandals and hypocrisy

Political involvement

Enabling domestic abuse

Enabling incest

Malawi/Mexico hypocrisy

Masonic ties

There are odd connections between the Watchtower and secret societies like the Freemasons. Russel and others have had such connections, and mentions about it keeps coming up in the literature.


Governing Body hypocrisy

Child Sexual Abuse


Doctrinal Changes


Who are the supperior authorities?

Will the Sodomites be resurrected?

This teaching has been changed back and forth 4 times. Even back and forth from one page to another in Insight on the scriptures.

Types antitypes

Heavenly and earthly hope

  • In 1935 the one hope of Ephesians 4:4 was split in two

Doing research

Just Plain Weird


External resources

These are not necessarily teachings from the Watchtower, but could be news stories about Jehovah’s witnesses.

Child Sexual Abuse

The Australian Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse

The Australian government looked into child sexual abuse and it turns out the Watchtower is enabling it.

When given the chance to right what is wrong, the Watchtower flatly refuses.

Other court documents

Other news


Image courtesy of [email protected]

  1. Every time the Watchtower uses the word “evidently” it means that there is absolutely no evidence for it. 

  2. If you actually look at the history if God’s people in the Bible it is cert rare that Godonly had one prophet on the scene. Most prophets are contemporaries of other prophets. 

  3. Inerrant: Never wrong. 

  4. Paulicians existed from 650 to the 16th century. In 843, 100.000 Paulicians were killed. In 970 200,000 Paulicians were exiled to Thrace. There were way more than 144.000.