
What does the Watchtower teach about...
05 Sep 2023 · Topics: Jehovah's witnesses Watchtower Lists Resources Jehovah Jesus Salvation Michael the archangel The Bible Child Sexual Abuse The year 1914This is a long list of references to Watchtower publications for easy access to what the Watchtower teaches about different issues.
What does the Watchtower teach about God?
The name of God, is it Jehovah or Yahweh?
- “We do not say that “Jehovah” is the correct pronunciation of God’s name…. for in [the thirteenth century] century the word [Jehovah] historically appears…”
- The New World Bible Translation Committee: ‘Yahwehʹ is the more correct pronunciation.
- “It is almost if not quite certain that the Name was originally pronounced ‘Yahweh.’”
- What pronunciation do Jehovah’s witnesses view as more correct? The NWT translators stated that they inclined “to view the pronunciation ‘Yahweh,’ as the more correct way.”
- “Jehovah” means “He is”, from “Ahyah” meaning “I am”
- The hebrew word Haya and Hava means the same thing.
- Jehovah’s name made up by the Catholics
- “Jehovah” is the wrong pronunciation
- “Yahweh” is the correct pronunciation
- “Yahweh” is the correct pronunciation
- “Yahweh” is closer to the Hebrew
- The name is very important, so let’s not take it seriously
God’s omnipresence
- God is not omnipresent..
- God is not omnipresent, but has a body and a location..
- God’s throne is inside the universe.
What does the Watchtower teach about Jesus, his nature and his role?
What is the nature of the salvation though Jesus?
- By his sacrificial death Jesus Christ bought back or redeemed all the human family who are dying “in Adam.”
- The ransom benefits will only be fully applied after the millenium reign. Until then Jehovah’s witnesses has no assurance of salvation. (Christianity teaches that the benefits are applied instantly upon acceptance of the ransom.)
Does Jesus tell lies?
- Jesus deceived the doubtful Thomas by materializing a fake body with fake wound marks in order to “convince” him.
- Jesus faked a body with wound marks to deceive his apostles.
- Jesus lies to the thief next to him when telling him he will be in paradise with him.
What happened to Jesus body?
- God removed Jesus’ body..
- Jesus’ body was “disposed of” by Jehovah God, “dissolved into its constituent elements or atoms”.
- God caused Jesus body to disappear.
Why could Jesus not have been bodily resurrected?
“Jesus could not take a human body through the Van Allen radiation belts and outer space to heaven…”
Should we worship Jesus?
- 1951: “Make no mistake about this, the true “higher powers” or “superior authorities” to whom Christians are commanded to subject themselves in worship are Jehovah God and Christ Jesus!”
- The Watchtower Charter says that its purpose is “public Christian worship of the Most High God and Christ Jesus.”
- Watchtower charter states: “The purposes of this Society are:…public Christian worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus (The article writers deceptively changes “and” to “[through]” in the quote to hide the original wording, but the original wording can be seen in this article.)
- If you are an angel, you should worship Jesus.
Who is Jesus mediator for?
- Jesus is the “mediator” only for anointed Christians.
- The “other sheep” are not in new covenant so Jesus is not their mediator.
Works righteousness
Are we saved by faith alone or do we have to work to earn our salvation and righteousness?
- “We must devote all our time, energy and means to the matter of making this gift of eternal life our own”
- Salvation requires constant work until the end.
The Bible
Bible translation
The evil scribe conspiracy theory
The Watchtower claims emphatically that the Bible has not been corrupted or changed. They also admit that not a single new testament manuscript contains the name Jehovah. But since that’s unacceptable to them, they claim that during the second and third century some conspiracy of evil scribes traveled throughout the ancient world, located every last one of the tens of thousands of available manuscripts, and somehow sneakily replaced the manuscripts with exact copies with the name Jehovah replaced by “Lord”, all without anyone ever noticing. Yet they still claim no one has ever been able to change or corrupt the Bible.
- "”No ancient Greek manuscript that we possess today of the books from Matthew to Revelation contains God’s name in full.””
- “So, has the Bible been corrupted? Emphatically, no!”
- “Sometime during the second or third century C.E. the scribes removed the Tetragrammaton from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with Kyʹri·os, “Lord” or The·osʹ, “God.””
- “When apostate Christians made copies of the Christian Greek Scriptures, they evidently took Jehovah’s personal name out of the text and substituted Kyʹri·os, the Greek word for “Lord.”” 1
- “Yielding to that influence [from Satan] translators and copyists—some eagerly, others reluctantly—began to remove God’s own personal name, Jehovah, from his inspired Word in the thousands of places where it appeared. … It was also taken out of copies of the Christian Greek Scriptures.”
Johannes Greber
Johannes Greber was a catholic priest who turned into a spiritist. He translated the new testament with the use of demons who would speak through his wife who was a spiritistic medium. Also the demons would sometimes give Johannes Greber visions of what he should write. The Watchtower then used his demon inspired new testament as support for translation choices in the New World Translation.
- Johannes Greber “I myself was a Catholic priest, and until I was forty-eight years old had never as much as believed in the possibility of communicating with the world of God’s spirits. The day came, however, when I involuntarily took my first step toward such communication, and experienced things that shook me to the depths of my soul.”
- “[Greber’s] translation was used occasionally in support of renderings of Matthew 27:52, 53 and John 1:1, as given in the New World Translation and other authoritative Bible versions.”
The Organization
The “Organization”, usually indicate the Watchtower corporation along with all its subsidiaries, all congregations of Jehovahs witnesses, and often including the “heavenly part of the organization”, the angels.
The Organization itself
- Russel points out that the true congregation is no organization.
- Russel did not set up an earthly organization.
- “God’s organization is more important to him than the salvation of an immoral or disobedient creature.”
- Origin of the use of the term “Organization”
Salvation through organization
The Watchtower strongly claims that salvation is only possible through their organization. Not a Bible teaching.
- “Apart from Jehovah’s organization, there is no place else to go for salvation and true joy.”
- “The witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation”
- “The other sheep should never forget that their salvation depends on their active support of Christ’s anointed “brothers” still on earth.”
- “A requirement [for salvation] is that we be associated with God’s channel, his organization”
- “The provision of salvation is closely connected with Jehovah’s organization… We cannot remain outside the organization of God’s people, separated from it, if we want to have Jehovah’s protection.”
- “Bible students…must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah’s organization is essential to their salvation.”
- Only by getting baptized as a Jehovah’s witness can you survive Jehovah’s day
- Salvation lies in obedience to the faithful slave.
Being the only Channel of God
The Watchtower claims to be the only “channel” of communication from God. “Channel” in spiritual terms is an spiritistic agent that communicates with the spirit world on behalf of a client. Not a Bible teaching.
- “To them only does Jehovah reveal and ‘show his word’ and its hidden meaning”. They’re “the one and only channel by which the spirit and understanding are given”
- “At no time did God use more than one channel or mouthpiece” 2
- “That Jehovah is using such a channel today and that it is associated with the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses the facts unmistakably show.” The organization is the only channel.
- ” Paul shows that ‘Christ is not divided’ and that there were to be no divisions among his followers, we must conclude that God uses only one channel at any one time.”
- “Never has God had more than one channel of communication at one time. Failure to recognize and associate with his anointed witnesses would certainly indicate that one is not in Jehovah God’s organization and under his spirit.”
- “Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.”
- “The Lord would use not many channels for the dissemination of the Truth, but one channel.”
- “God was using only one channel to dispense truth”
- “The anointed Christian remnant among Jehovah’s witnesses today comprise the collective channel of communication”
- Only channel
- God “using his one channel.”
- “They do not claim that this slave class is infallible, but they do view it as the one channel that the Lord is using during the last days of this system of things.”
- ” Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food”.
- The organization is equated to God. “It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the “slave” as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision.”
- “We should respond with the same readiness as we would to the voice of God. It is his means of dealing with us now.”
- The GB receives direction through necromancy
- Satan also has a false channel of communication..
This is also what Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson says under oath when asked about this:
The Watchtower being a Prophet
The prophethood of the Watchtower organization is unclear. At times they claim prophethood, at other times they deny it, depending on what is convenient at the time. In any case, anyone who claims to speak directly for God is a prophet no matter what they call themselves. And a prophet who speaks a word that is not from God should be executed. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)
- 1955: “Jehovah’s earthly channel of communication is identified. The earthly channel is either a prophet or a collective prophetlike organization.”
- 1972:”[Jehovah] had a “prophet” to warn them. This “prophet” was not one man, but was a body of men and women. … they are known as Jehovah’s Christian witnesses.”
- 2010: “God’s people today are not prophets.”
- 2014: We are prophets. “Prophesying would apply to any Bible-based teaching that a Christian minister does.”
2017: “Anointed Christians share in the work of prophesying. “
- The Watchtower is apparently using the hegelian dialectic to reach truth, flip-flopping back and forth like a blind person fumbling through darkness.
The Faithful Slave/Governing Body
The Watchtower teaches that only a small group of men speaks for God and should be trusted implicitly. They call themselves the Governing Body, or the Faithful and Discreet Slave.
Is the Governing Body inerrant or not?
The Bible says that someone speaking for God, a prophet, must be inerrant3, and if they’re not inerrant, they don’t speak for God and we shouldn’t listen to them. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22) Their claims on the matter are contradictory:
- They’re inerrant: No doctrinal falsehood is “found in their mouths”.
- They’re not inerrant: “The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.”
- They’re not trustworthy: “God permits them to make mistakes…Sometimes a truth is seen but then is obscured by a misunderstanding”
- They’re not inerrant: “This magazine [Watchtower] makes no claim of inspiration.”
- They’re pointless: “To say that the Bible is incomplete and that we need to rely also on the unstable thinking of imperfect, uninspired men is to deny the power of God”.
The Faithful Slave
Who really is the Faithful and discreet slave?
- Charles T. Russel was the faithful slave
- The Faithful and discreet slave used to be Russel
- Russel was considered the faithful slave until 1927
- “The composite body of dedicated, anointed footstep followers of Jesus Christ”
- The faithful and discreet slave is the Governing Body.
The Anointed
The Watchtower teaches that “anointed” Christians are limited in number to a total of 144.000. Not a Bible teaching. The Bible teaches that all Christians are anointed. The word Christian itself means anointed.
The call of anointed ended in 1935
- 1972: “Evidence indicates that by 1934 God’s attention turned to developing the “great crowd””
- 1995: “The general gathering of these specially blessed ones ended in 1935”
- 2007: “The heavenly call ceased in 1935”
Isn’t it funny that none of the Governing Body was born on or before 1935? Gerrit Lösch, the oldest member, was born in 1941. How can they be anointed?
A steady decline in the number of anointed signals the end is near.
- 1955: 17000 anointed left
- That “the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling” shows that the end is near.
- “Only as to Memorial partakers has there been a gradual decline, which is in accord with Scriptural expectations”. However recently the jumbers have climbed from about 8.000 to over 20.000.
But lately the numbers have increased drastically…
When faced with the fact that memorial partakers have started to increase, will thy still say that dwindling numbers mean the end is near? No, they are just going to slander these people by saying they are mentally insane.
- New memorial partakers “have mental or emotional problems that lead them to believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven.”
- At the same time if someone claims to be anointed “he or she should not be judged. The matter is between this person and Jehovah.”
- After all there’s no evidence except that the person feels like it.
How many anointed Christians have there ever been?
The Watchtower articles reveal that there have been millions upon millions of anointed Christians throughout history. In the ten persecutions between A.D. 49-313 alone, hundreds of thousands of anointed Christians were killed . The number killed were naturally just a fraction of the total number of anointed Christians who have ever lived. To claim that the total number of anointed Christians has been less than 144.000 is beyond absurd.
- In A.D. 95 Domitian killed 40.000 Christians. (27% of 144.000)
- In A.D. 235 “numberless Christian victims were slain”.
- In A.D. 303 861.000 (17.000 + 144000 + 700.000) Christians were killed
- The Watchtower considers Paulicians to be anointed Jehovah’s witnesses. 100.000 Paulicians were killed. 4
- The Watchtower consider Waldenses to be Anointed. (Today they number 25.000)
Other information about the anointed
- Emblems and Manna both symbolizes Jesus body. “Jesus addressed those words to more than his disciples”
- If no anointed is present at the memorial, there is no need for emblems to be present either
- Anointed and “Other sheep” have an equal amount of holy spirit.
- If someone claims to be anointed “he or she should not be judged. The matter is between this person and Jehovah.”
- How do you know you are anointed? You just kind of “feel like it”.
Various Teachings
In alphabetical order.
Animal diet
- Animals before the flood didnt ear meat, but Cain somehow knew wgat being attacked by a meat eating animal was like.
- Animals on ark not eat meat
- God gave vegetation to eat
- Animals ate only vegetation before the flood
- 1969: “World events in fulfillment of Bible prophecy give sure indication that only a few years remain for this wicked arrangement of things.l
- 99.9% of the world population will be killed at Armageddon.
- “Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, … have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system…”
- Billions will die in GT
- Must be in org to survive
- 1967 our generation the last
- Within 20th century
- Antimatter to clear corpses
- Flesh eaten,bones buried
- UN destroyed ground littered w bodies
- 1914 gen alive to Armageddon
- 1914 gen will be alive at Armageddon
- Only JW survive
- Evil ppl resurrected if dead b4 Armageddon
- Unbaptised kids will die
Child discipline
- “A spanking may be a lifesaver to a child”
- “Whether they do it with the hand, a wooden ruler or some other type of appropriate “rod,” parents are authorized by God to use spanking in lovingly disciplining their children.”
- “The Bible encourages the training and disciplining of children. This may mean giving [your] child an occasional whack.”
- “God’s Word says, though, that in some cases physical chastisement—spanking, given without wrath—may be needed.”
- “The enormous increase in juvenile delinquency is one evidence that the ‘no spanking’ view has not helped matters.”
- “Parents are authorized by God to use spanking in lovingly disciplining their children.”
- Once, after the agreed-on number of smart spanks had been delivered with the paddle, my son (about 6) crept into my lap, hugged and kissed me and said, “Daddy, I guess I’ve learned my lesson.”’
- “It’s impossible to raise a child and not whack him a few times. When a child is ‘demanding and obnoxious, a couple of whacks will clear the air.’”
- Changing definition of generation
- Splane ‘splanes the overlapping generation teaching
Last days
- Masturbation “can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality”
- “Mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators.”
- Homosexuality or beastiality are not grounds for divorce
- Girls are compared to breeding cows.
- Rape victims should respect their rapists
The Watchtower uses shunning as a punishment for those who do not conform to their rules and doctrines. But at the same time they condemn it
- It’s a weapon for punishment: “Silent treatment, when used as … a weapon with which to punish”
- “Manipulation. Some use the silent treatment as a means to get what they want. … when it is used as a means to retaliate or manipulate, the silent treatment not only prolongs conflict but also erodes the respect the couple have for each other.”
“No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.” (Yet is someone leaves the Jehovah’s witnesses because they find the worship unacceptable, they have to choose between their beliefs and family.)
- “As to disfellowshiped family members (not minor sons or daughters) living outside the home, each family must decide to what extent they will have association with such ones. This is not something that the congregational elders can decide for them.”
Superior authorities
- superior authorities- back and forth
- In 1929, changed meaning of ”higher authority” to Jehovah, Jesus
- Since 1929, higher auth = Jehovah
- Higher authorities=Jehovah,Jesus (not govt)
- Christians can’t be wishy washy
- Whole process
- Jehovah Jesus
Failed predictions
- Within a few years at most the final parts of Bible prophecy relative to these “last days” will undergo fulfillment, resulting in the liberation of surviving mankind into Christ’s glorious 1,000-year reign.
- Believed GT between 1914-1918
- Believed tribulation began 1914
- Used to think Abraham et al resurrected before Armageddon
- Princes would be resurrected, live in house in California
- Generation of 1914 will see GT
- 37 year generation ending in 1954
- Born in 1914 not pass away
- Tacking boat illustration explains 180° turns
- Failed dates
- End before 1914 gen pass away
- End before 1914 gen pass away
- Used to believe Jesus came in 1874/78 and armageddon at 1914, then changed it
- 1914 generation will be alive at Armageddon
- Gen of 1914 alive to Armageddon
- 1914 gen will be alive at Armageddon
- Thought GT began in 1914
- Nebo ruled 684-581
- Within a few years at most the final parts of Bible prophecy relative to these “last days” will undergo fulfillment, resulting in the liberation of surviving mankind into Christ’s glorious 1,000-year reign.
- Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?
- Releases book that foretold 1975 as end of world
- Org claims end will come within 10 years
- 1975 chronology “reasonably accurate” within weeks or months
- GB admits to building expectations
- GB admits to also sharing views on 1975
- 6th millennium end 1975, then millennial reign
- Watchtower’s 1975 False Prophecy Time Line: Index
- In 1968 the Watchtower predicted “Within a few years at most the final parts of Bible prophecy relative to these “last days” will undergo fulfillment, resulting in the liberation of surviving mankind into Christ’s glorious 1,000-year reign.”
Scandals and hypocrisy
Political involvement
Enabling domestic abuse
Enabling incest
Malawi/Mexico hypocrisy
- Witnesses in Malawi persecuted for no party card
- Malawi, no party card, persecution
- Malawi, persecution, no party card
- Malawi bros persecuted for neutrality
- Malawi bros neutral, tortured
- Not forced choose between god and family
Masonic ties
There are odd connections between the Watchtower and secret societies like the Freemasons. Russel and others have had such connections, and mentions about it keeps coming up in the literature.
- Knorr at Masonic temple
- Assembly in Masonic temple
- Rutherford in Masonic hall
- Cong used Masonic hall as Kingdom Hall
- Meetings held in Masonic temple
- Set up meeting hall in Masonic temple
- Knorr gave talk in Masonic temple
- Doing Pyramidology until 1928
- Admits to necromancy and spiritism
- Russell thought pyramid was witness
- Tries to blame pyramidology on lay people when it was Russel who taught it
- Satan uses false prophets, channelers
- Johannes Greber A Spiritualist
- Johannes Greber Used in NWT
- The Governing Body receives directions from the sporit world through necromancy
Governing Body hypocrisy
- The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible
- Rhodes scholar
- Fredrick Franz Rhodes Scholarship
- When selecting Slave, Jesus apparently approved Christmas, cross, birthdays and divination
- Never beg for money
- Criticizing Catholic arguments for not leaving, uses exact same
- Signing bibles
Child Sexual Abuse
Doctrinal Changes
Who are the supperior authorities?
- Up to 1929 - The Governments
- 1929 to 1962 - God and Jesus
- From 1962 - The governments
Will the Sodomites be resurrected?
This teaching has been changed back and forth 4 times. Even back and forth from one page to another in Insight on the scriptures.
- 51 NO
- 52 NO
- 65 YES
- 71 YES
- 75 YES
- 87 YES
- 88 Insight Vol 1 - NO
- 88 Insight Vol 2 p 137 - NO
- 88 Insight Vol 2 p 775- YES
- 88 Insight Vol 2 p 985- NO
- 88 june 1 Watchtower - NO
- Christians can’t be wishy-washy
Types antitypes
Heavenly and earthly hope
- In 1935 the one hope of Ephesians 4:4 was split in two
Doing research
- Avoid unprofitable questions
- Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own. However, Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food
- Don’t need to think
- No study groups
- Having own thoughts banned
- We must examine what we believe to see if it is the truth
- Strangely, reading the bible aline makes you “revert’ to Christianity
- “Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.”
Just Plain Weird
- Working mothers lead to gangland violence
- Adam wrote Genesis 1
- Adam wrote Genesis 2-4 too
- Rutherford night active
- Used to think pleiades was throne of god
- Adam was androgynous
- Warnings about pocket calculators
- Adam wrote gen 2-5
- Family heads arrange furniture
- What is a vertical and horizontal rapture?
- What about the corpses of Armageddon victims? “God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way”.
- Calculators: Having one will take up your time, require maintenance and make your math skills worse.
- Trick your husband into shopping by granting him the title “Assistant Shopper in Charge of Figures”
- Chess is apparently bad. A waste of time and causes people to be angry and violent.
- Pagan use of flowers or garlands did not mean that true worshipers always had to avoid using them. Logically then this should be applied to things like birthdays and other holidays, toasting with drinks, and other traditions that pagans also had.
- A whole Awake magazine trying to sound enlightened about racism but failing miserably.
- Interview with Michael Jackson about the music video Thriller
- Abraham offered Isaac on Mt Moriah, which is where later the Temple was built.
- Herod de facto rule began 37 BC, and he died in 1 BC
External resources
These are not necessarily teachings from the Watchtower, but could be news stories about Jehovah’s witnesses.
Child Sexual Abuse
[Lawsuit claims former Spokane Jehovah’s Witness leader sexually abused boys in ’70s The Spokesman-Review](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/aug/15/lawsuit-claims-former-spokane-jehovahs-witness-lea/) - Jehovah’s Witnesses culture shrouds child sexual abuse in Pennsylvania
- Jehovah’s Witnesses ordered by jury to pay $35M to abuse survivor
- Appeals court scolds Jehovah’s Witness organization over failure to turn over molestation records - The San Diego Union-Tribune
- The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters - The Atlantic
- Jehovah’s Witnesses go to court to block sex abuse report publication
- The watchtower pays $4000/day to protect their list of pedophiles
The Australian Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse
The Australian government looked into child sexual abuse and it turns out the Watchtower is enabling it.
- Special investigation into Jehovah’s Witnesses
- The Australian Royal Commission report into child sexual abuse, Case 29: Jehovah’s witnesses
- BCG testimony
- Geoffrey Jackson says it is “presumptuous” to say that they are God’s only spokespeople.
- Geoffrey Jackson testimony transcript
- List of almost 1800 cases of child sexual abuse among Jehovah’s witnesses, of which the Watchtower reported zero cases.
- Australian Jehovah’s Witnesses protected over a thousand members accused of child abuse, report says - The Washington Post
When given the chance to right what is wrong, the Watchtower flatly refuses.
- Wt not joining Australian government redress scheme
- JWs hide money from CSA redress scheme
- JWs hide money
- Wt refusing redress
- JWs banned from govt benefits
- JWs not signed up
Other court documents
Other news
- Utah Supreme Court revives lawsuit of woman who claims church made her listen to own rape
- 2 witnesses beheaded
- NRK TV – Brennpunkt: Guds utvalde – 2. Jehovas vitner (Sesong 1)
- Russian shot at border pleads guilty to illegal re-entry
- The Divine Plan of the Ages by Russel is still studied by Russelites
- Books by C. T. Russell available online
- BSA Property, a UK real estate company used by the Watchtower to earn money selling properties
- The Watchtower sells used equipment
- Watchtower is a concept in magic
- Number of Christians Through History
- White blood cells in breast milk
- Two Witnesses protect our pedophiles!
- Lawyers specializing in Jehovah’s witnesses sexual abuse cases.
Image courtesy of [email protected]
Every time the Watchtower uses the word “evidently” it means that there is absolutely no evidence for it. ↩
If you actually look at the history if God’s people in the Bible it is cert rare that Godonly had one prophet on the scene. Most prophets are contemporaries of other prophets. ↩
Inerrant: Never wrong. ↩
Paulicians existed from 650 to the 16th century. In 843, 100.000 Paulicians were killed. In 970 200,000 Paulicians were exiled to Thrace. There were way more than 144.000. ↩